I am a digital freelance artist and fanfiction writer who specializes in Transformers fan art.


Freelance Digital Ar

Graduated from College

United States of America

Joined on 8/30/22

Exp Points:
14 / 20
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.70 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Greetings, lovely folks! MelSpyRose here, your neighborhood artist extraordinaire, swinging by for a delightful chat! Just a friendly reminder that my commission slots are wide open and eagerly awaiting your imaginative ideas!

Whether you're itching to splurge some PayPal funds or you've got a stash of DeviantART points ready to spend, I'm here to turn your artistic visions into vibrant reality.

From awe-inspiring landscapes to captivating character portraits, and everything in between, I'm itching to bring your dreams to life on the canvas. No concept is too grand or too modest—I'm up for any creative challenge you throw my way!

So, if you've been brewing up that perfect commission idea, or you're simply craving a custom artwork treat, look no further. Just shoot me a message with your concepts, and together, we'll craft something truly extraordinary.

Your support means the world to me, and I'm committed to delivering top-tier artwork that's worth every bit of your investment. Let's conjure up some enchanting masterpieces together! Thanks a ton for considering me for your artistic needs!


Latest News


So I was on DeviantART just minding my own business when this user BruteForce19 was being a dick towards me. He paid me money to draw his Transformers OC, but when I drew it for him, he wasn't satisfied. He kept telling me to redesign him and when I made this post telling people that I won't give my clients their money back until I have more money on my PayPal, someone in the comments began accusing me of being a scammer and a criminal. They started bullying me while spreading lies and falsehoods about me on DeviantART. It got to a point where my friends had to report these people for slander, defamation, fraud, bullying, and harassment. So in a nutshell, I have decided to just leave DeviantART because people are witch-hunting me. After all, they misunderstood me and got the wrong idea and started accusing me of being a criminal when all I did was make mistakes. If any of you are reading this, please report Zaymerax and BruteForce19 for the drama they put me through and if you have PayPal, kindly donate money so that I can have enough to give my clients a refund because I don't want to do PayPal Commissions anymore! Please do what you can to help me out if you care that I'm having trouble right now.

I gave one of my clients a refund and I have to prove to people that I am not a scammer or a criminal or a bad person because I am capable of learning from my mistakes, making better choices, and taking responsibility for my actions.


These are the people who bullied me, slandered me, harassed me, and spread lies about me. This person Zaymerax is spreading lies and falsehoods about me being a scammer and a criminal and BruteForce19 is an asshole who treats artists like me like crap because he can't draw his own OC:


This is the post that I deleted out of embarrassment because people got the wrong idea that I was "refusing to give people their money back" when I made it clear that I can't give my clients their money back unless I have the money to refund them.
